6149 Hill Avenue | Toledo, Ohio 43615 | 419-865-2345
St. Benedict Catholic School
St. Benedict Catholic School was formed in the 2010-11 school year as a collaboration of two Catholic parishes, Our Lady of Lourdes and Little Flower.
It is located on the campus of Little Flower at 5522 Dorr St. in Toledo. Phone: 419.536.1194.
Principal is Mrs. Patrice Tscherne- ptscherne@stbenedicttoledo.org
Both parishes enthusiastically support the effort to provide high-quality academic and Christian education for the children of southwest Toledo. We offer preschool through 8th grade on a single site.
St. Benedict Catholic School prides itself on its Catholic identity. Students attend Mass weekly. In addition to deeply integrating the Catholic faith in every subject taught and every activity planned, we are proud to be one of the few schools using a cutting-edge program called Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, which is based on a Montessori approach to teaching our faith.
We aim to be the Catholic school of choice to which parents send their children for spiritual formation and education. Our enhanced spiritual, cultural, academic, and extra-curricular programs will help with that choice. Our students will be positioned for future success.